Tuesday, April 1, 2014


MEMORIES - Audio Samples from Manami Maxted on Vimeo.

Here are a few audio samples from some interviews I conducted.  I chose to include my voice in the interviews because I wanted the stories to be conversational.  I also wanted to be included because the people that I interviewed have affected me in one way or another, and I hoped that the project would come across as personal.

I'm within the process of editing the audio now.  You might notice the low hum in the background; though I don't mind the table creaking or the ruffling of clothing so much, I simply can't stand the loud ambient sound.  I'm having a hard time reducing these sounds in Final Cut Pro... Any suggestions?  Should I try to use a different program?

As soon as the audio is edited (each interview down to about a minute), I will be storyboarding, then going right to animating.  Of course, I'm hoping to use some of the rotoscoped footage that I worked on earlier this semester (the clips that I animated for The Great God Pan), but I still have a lot to go.

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