Sunday, March 30, 2014

Gaya Third Round from Emma Argiroff on Vimeo.

I continue to add to my experiment and create abstractions of archaic animals (woolly mammoths) and evolutionary concepts (development of the spinal chord). I pay particular attention to layering my drawing techniques and varying my line quality. I am satisfied with the texture of the the trunk-like object that falls from the sky and the overlapping of contour lines and fills that make up the spinal chord. I add more drama by retiming portions of the cockroach and rotating dot clips to have slower and faster movements.

I need to start thinking about creative and clever ways to conclude this piece. I have considered revisiting each of the objects I have introduced but I think a better ending would include visuals that have not been introduced yet. I've been working without a plan but a storyboard might be useful for the final segment.

Finally, one of the music students created an experiment sound piece for my animation. I posted this video to the server since the animation does not include the portions I worked on this week. I am extremely excited to have sound in my piece and I like the progression of the sound he created. I also think the sound syncs well with the explosion and evolution of fish and birds (a slight wild bird sound can be heard in the background). He is working on tweaking the music to make it more subdued, abstract and eerie.

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