Thursday, April 3, 2014

Beginning of Final Project

I've chosen a story for my final project, and am breaking up the sentences so that I can animate a graphic for each one.  I've started drawing images for first couple of phrases, and am currently using a  similar style to my earlier hallway animation.  I haven't created an audio for this yet that I actually like - all of them are me reading the story with slightly different inflections.  I think I'm going to record one of my friends reading and reacting to the story this weekend, and see if I like that.  I might also like to try recording an adult reading the story in a clear, neutral manner.

The only thing that I'm really worried about is the clarity - I would like to add an introduction that establishes this as a children's story, but some of the sentences don't really connect with each other very well.  I think that I can make the sequence clearer through drawings of the action, but it might still be a little confusing.

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