Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Final Project Progress #4

momster draft 3 from Maria Shin on Vimeo.

I am almost half-way done with my animation so far. However I still need to tweak things here and there and put it some smooth transitions between scenes. I am also worried about what I should do with my background--leave them white or put in an actual background that shows a setting. I have also finished my narration, although I did not upload all of it in the video. I only uploaded the portion that matches with how much far I got with the animation. I am having a difficult time with narrating more than I thought. My voice still seems to lack some emotion and I am thinking of recording some parts again. Moreover, I need to retime some of the animations to match with my narration. Although I did retime them at first because the animations went too fast, but this time it is too slow. I also need to put it more sound effects and some music.

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