Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Final Final Animation!

Oh Animation Final Draft from So Ye Oh on Vimeo.

I am finally done with making my own longest animation. I have learned many animation skills through this class and became to love animation so much. I am not sure if animation is the field I want to jump into in the future, but I definitely want to learn and create more animations.
Based on the feedback I got from class, I fixed the animation. I do not think it is perfectly done, but I tried hard to make the best animation among the others I have made. With Final Cut Pro and Freesound.org, I listened to such many sound effects and did my best to choose perfect sounds for the video.
Since the silhouette world was too short, I added more scenes for it. Also, when the bird and the bunny fall down from the door at the beginning, the bird is too small compared to the last scene of the silhouette world. So, I added the scenes of the bird eating an apple and growing up. It was enjoyable to use Dragonframe again and to play again with shadows.
The only thing I am not sure about is the last part. I took a photo of the bunny standing on my drawer, and as one of my classmates advised, I tried to use motion blur in After Effects and to zoom in the rabbit. Then I thought it would end really clean, but when I zoomed in the bunny, it got blurred. I did not want the blurred ending for the video, so that is why I just left the ending as it is.
It is not a perfect animation, but I want everyone else to have fun watching it. The story does not make sense at all, but I hope that everyone enjoy the no-make-sense plot and the distinctive worlds which are done with different animation skills.

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