Sunday, April 6, 2014

Portion of Final for April 8th

Gaia Fourth Round from Emma Argiroff on Vimeo.

I focused on some final touches for this week's animation because the drawing is basically complete. I like the way the animation ends with the water droplets so I made no adjustments. I changed the credits from standard text to hand drawn text which fits in much better with my animation. The Gaia title has more gestural lines than my name in order to differentiate between the subject and author of the piece.

This is not all I did. The video posted on the blog does not include the sound effects I experimented with this week. I used a portion of the piece that the music student provided to me along with sound effects I made and ones I found on final cut. The video with these sounds is posted on the server because I still need to get in touch with the music student to make sure the changes are okay with him. Also, I don't know whether I should write his name into the piece like I did for my own.

I really like this new piece with sound but I don't know if it will be my final. Another music student contacted me about doing the sound for my video for his final piece. I am very excited to collaborate with him as well! He will be providing me with sound this week or next and I may decide to use his sounds for my final piece.

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