Thursday, April 17, 2014

Final with experimental sound effects- April 17th

Gaia with Sound from Emma Argiroff on Vimeo.

I experimented with sound effects this week. These sounds are not made by the music students, they are ones I created myself or found on final cut. I tried to enhance the abstract quality of the animation with sounds that don't necessarily apply or objectify the visuals I created. In many places I layered the sound effects to create a more dynamic and textured audio track.

I am curious to see what the class has to say about the areas where the sound effects are more obvious, especially the loon calls and the mixture of animal sounds in the middle. I'm not sure if these areas work as well as they could and I'll probably experiment with more abstract sounds for the final.

I am very excited to hear from the music students! I'll probably end up with a few final versions to choose from.

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