Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Final Project: Momster Progress Report 3

Momster progress movie 2 from Maria Shin on Vimeo.

This is how far I got with After Effects for now. I struggled with a lot of Effects and how I wanted to portray some scenes. For example, I wanted the flag to appear and then rip to reveal the stairs coming down, but I still have not figured out how to do that yet. I have far to go and it is a bit frustrating how slow I am with After Effects. From here on I plan to morph the Godzilla monster into my mother when she was about 28. I also have to fix the airplane that the Godzilla is shaking into a spatula and make it wear a crown to relate it to my mom. I need to record my narrations as well. After recording I think timing would be easier.

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