Thursday, April 3, 2014

First Experiment for Final Project

For my final project, I would like to animate one of the stories that I wrote when I was in elementary school.

I chose to do an experiment using one of the shorter compositions that I had on hand (at the time, I was thinking of including several short works, but now I'm animating one of the longer ones instead).  When making this, I was really influenced by the feeling that I had to connect the story to another idea - to put into some kind of context.  I observed that all of my writing samples were very repetitive, and began to create a story that would describe their similarities to brainwashing.

I'm not really satisfied by this experiment.  Foremost, the audio was a big mistake.  I thought that the computer generated voice, reading a children's story, would be surprising and unsettling (and also kind of funny).  However, viewing the completed animation, I feel that it is not effective.  Foremost, it still feels like "canned" audio... If I want to create a better brainwashing effect through sound in the future, I'm going to make it myself.  Also, I feel that there is not enough examples/explanations included to amusingly support the claim that children are trying to brainwash us.  I would ideally establish a line of reasoning (like how the writing is repetitive and about simple concepts) and develop it beyond simply reading the story.

Also, I feel that I did not utilize the images as well as I could have.  I cut out the words and drawings from the scan of my writing and timed them to match the audio, but I just put them in order, on a white background.  I should have changed their orientation and inserted more external images to better convey the idea of brainwashing.

I am pleased with the typing effect that I created in the introduction.  I'm not sure if I want to use exactly the same effect in my final project, but I am including the text of the short story in the visual part of the animation.

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