Monday, April 28, 2014

Gaia Final Version!

Gaia Final Version from Emma Argiroff on Vimeo.

This is it- my final animation with credits and sound effects!

I changed a few sounds since the last time we met. They are still noises I made myself or sounds I used from iLife and Final Cut sound effects. This final version is posted on the server along with another version titled EArgiroff_Gaia_sound_collaboration that includes the soundtrack created by James Cornelison, the music student I collaborated with! His music is not finalized yet, which is why I didn't post it on Vimeo. I am amazed at how the mood of the animation changes depending on the soundtrack.

I am happy with the final product. I think I achieved my goal of evoking a sense of evolution and creation through fluid transformations and gestural line quality. I would like to build on this animation and experiment with different textures and brushes in Photoshop and other software like flash and After Effects. I also want to try an animation that uses non-digital drawings and paintings. I feel like my interest in animation has been ignited, not only by creating my own animation, but by viewing a variety of other animations from classmates, professors and experimental filmmakers.

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