Thursday, January 30, 2014

Shin_Next Project Idea

1) Children's Story
I have been always interested in children's stories and children's book illustrations. Some ideas I came up for a possible tale for children was either a very playful, imaginative mood or a deep and a little serious mood with a reflection on a society issue.

The animation clip above intrigued me because I love how the illustration is not tied down to the reality. It is also very fun and interesting. I also like how the plot is simple or rather, it starts out from a simple event and later reveals some complexity.

The animation "Obida" by Anna BudaNova also interested me because a child's psychology is depicted through a fictional character, and I thought I might use that idea too.

2) 3D Animation
I am not sure how far I can get with animating a 3D model, but I am also deeply interested in 3D modeling and animation. I thought of creating a 3D character of my own and animating it, then rendering it and move it to photoshop to create the background through rotoscope animation.
The video below intrigued me because I thought it was hilarious how the animals were made ridiculously fat. I am thinking of also going way out of range of reality with my character. I doubt I can create something of this much quality however.

3) Rotoscope Animation
I thought of doing another rotoscope animation focusing on crazy incidents/fights I had with my mom. I created a 5pg comic on the worst memories I had of my mom when I was young and I think it will be interesting to create a cute rotoscope animation based on that. The movie below inspired me with some ideas because I really like how the illustrations are drawn while the story is being told. I also love the simplistic, stick figure drawing style. The movie gave me ideas to include a possible narration with simplistic and active illustrations.

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