Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Maxted_Ideas Ideas Ideas

I love a good music video that reflects the emotions and story behind its song.  If I could make an animated music video that does the same…  I've dreamt of tackling such a project for so long, but can I do it?

Some opening sequences to cartoons do this successfully.  This one rocked my world when I nine years old.

Speaking of music videos that SPEAK TO MY SOUL, check this one out:

On the other hand, there is the option of a musical narrative, like those out of Fantasia 2000 (below is one of my favorites):

Fantasia 2000 - Rhapsody in Blue by R174

An interview or short documentary could be fun, sort of like this one:

the Scared is scared from Bianca Giaever on Vimeo.

Perhaps even a short story:

Also, to be vulnerable and annoying for a moment -

Honestly, I'm having a difficult time figuring out what I'd like to do.

There are a lot of different things I'd like to try, but the time constraint (especially when the amount of work we need to do for other courses is considered), and my lack of ability is discouraging.

Obviously, I took this class so I can learn how to improve my abilities and broaden my knowledge in the area of animation and storytelling.  However…

For some reason, I'm starting to think that this is my only chance to really prove myself, because what if I don't find the same kind of motivation to succeed in the future - say, the summer - when I do have a little more time?  I need to take this opportunity to make something that I can be proud of, and something I'd feel good about including in my portfolio for sophomore review.  Am I creating too much pressure for myself?  Why does creating have to be so stressful?

I know I'm preaching to the choir, but man.  Do you guys have any advice?

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