Sunday, January 19, 2014


At the age of 40, Benoît Labaye was paralyzed from the waist down after a long and arduous battle against multiple sclerosis, and spent his remaining ten years oppressed by his inability to rise from his chair. In this chilling tribute to the man, Benoît's son Mathieu reflects upon a particularly poignant experience in which he recorded his father revealing pure desperation for movement that paralysis brings on.

My interest in this piece is the skill with which the animator expresses the obsessiveness of the narrator for movement, and the way he represents his human subject breaking free, first from the boundaries of the black box, then from oppressiveness of the rigid body, then from the coils of loose flesh, then finally from being itself, drifting through the endless bliss of abstraction.

Full video here:

Orgesticulanismus - Mathieu Labaye from Camera-etc on Vimeo.

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