Thursday, January 30, 2014

Oh_Ideas for Next Project

Since I really loved stop motion in TMP III, I want to combine it with rotoscoping for the next project. A narrative will be included in the animation, but I am not sure what kind of story I am going to tell.

Miyazaki has always been my favorite animator/artist. I love his use of colors and drawing style, which bring out a bright atmosphere. Every story in his animations is touching and conveys essential life lessons — the importance of nature/ environment protection and love among people.

Stop motion demands a lot of work to do, but it is worthy and fun to do!

Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland is also one of my favorite movies because of its beautiful setting (graphic design), actors' costumes, and plot. Especially, the surrealistic setting catches my eyes every time I watch it. The story is different from original Alice in Wonderland, which attracts me even more. 

As I showed above... I hate sad/depressing animations! I would really like to work on a bright and happy happy animation for this main project of the semester. :)

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