Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Chen_animation ref

Synesthesia: A Dramatic Reenactment of Subjective Reality from Robert Sims on Vimeo.

I really really really like videos where people are talking about a health issue they live with, or some defining event in their life, or just a weird, singular experience they've had. More so when it's an animation/rotoscoped so there's a sense of anonymity but, at the same time, very personal. Kinda like they're sharing a big secret with a bunch of strangers. Public therapy?

What I liked from Synesthesia was its simple style and use of color/effect to carry across the person's experience.

Joseph Gordon Levitt Rotoscope Animation by Carliihde on deviantART

This one was just great in the movement and small details, like his expression right before he trips at the end. Particularly like the coloring choices, how the skin only blushes in the extremities.

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