Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Maxted_The Great God Pan

Test Animation - "Invisible Guest" from Manami Maxted on Vimeo.

A very simple test animation!
Part of my project is animated clips for a play that is going to be put on at the Residential College, and production weekend is in a little less than two weeks.  The longest clip is going to be about a minute long, so I've been dedicating most of my time to that; the clip here is only a small portion of it.  I still have so much to do!
I wanted to show this portion because I think it ended up looking pretty neat.  That is, by omitting the subject (a man), I created an image of a sort of supernatural being passing through the door.  The whole clip is supposed to be a flashback where a certain character is hazy and hard to recall.

I wish I could have started coloring by now, but rotoscoping is kind of a bitch.
I like the way it looks, but it's aggressively time consuming.  Ah, well... I brought it upon myself.
Not exactly complaining, just... empathizing.  You know what I'm saying?  Okay.

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