Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Shin_Final Project Progress 2

assembled from Maria Shin on Vimeo.

Here is how far I have gone with my animation on After Effects. Although there isn't much progress, I worked more on finalizing my narration because I thought animating according to the narration was best. Also, I worked a lot on Photoshop with my comic images and making them into separate layers. That took longer time than I thought because I had to redraw some parts after cutting them out. I am almost done with making all my comic drawings into separate layers, so I am excited to start animating. To plan ahead, I am thinking of sketching out a storyboard for animation. I also have a general picture in my head of how I will play it out and what sound effects I want to put it. The only thing that worries me is how limited I am in After Effects.
I am also not sure rather I want to put in a voice or a speech bubble because having both speech bubbles and a narration in the background might be too much to absorb for the audience.

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