Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Borromeo_Snow Experiment

Free the Snow! from Alexa Borromeo on Vimeo.

1) What was the experiment/question? How to work with snow and how to get it on the sidewalk
2) What did you expect to get? A snow figure that could walk on the sidewalk - and potentially throughout the city
3) What did you end up getting? A snow figure that could walk on the sidewalk ...I don't know how long it can last though

4) What did you learn? I have to cover my tracks in the snow each time I step in it.  Also snow can move in chunks which was very helpful!
5) What is a possible next step/experiment? Creating better limbs to see if I could make the snow figure pick things up.  Seeing how well I can transport the snow guy to different locations in Ann Arbor.

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