Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Maxted_Brushy Eyes

For both of my past animation projects (the Muybridge mini-assignment and Singing In The Rain project), I had created simple outlines of the subjects for each frame.  I wasn't too confident in my ability to use a more organic, bristle-y sort of brush in Photoshop, but decided to give the technique a try.  Several other students had rotoscoped using this method, and ended up with great results.
As expected, there was more texture and movement in the final product, despite the straightforward action in the original footage.  I was afraid that I would be bothered by this, but was instead delighted.
Eventually, I anticipate animating more than just one part of the body.  Hopefully I can work my way toward creating a whole scene in this same style.  

Test Animation - "Sigh" from Manami Maxted on Vimeo.

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